What Makes a Winning Landing Page

Is your Landing Page driving conversion?

Let’s dive right in - do you also judge a brand based on the way their website looks? You know the saying: “don’t judge a book by its cover”, and it’s true to a certain extent. We shouldn’t be judging. It’s bad and shallow. But also - it’s justified. It’s not necessarily only about the visuals - although it’s great if you can make it look appealing and even interactive, if the information viewers are looking for is not right in front of them, they’ll quickly move on. No one wants to hang around playing hide & seek, and you literally only have a few seconds to impress. No pressure though! 

As a leading digital marketing agency based in Dubai, website creation and landing pages is one of strengths. Whether you’re aiming at attracting leads or driving sales, or anything else entirely for that matter, landing pages is something you should consider putting some effort into. This important aspect of landing pages is that they help in achieving your conversion goals. Websites are great but you can often get distracted by the way it looks, the way it advertises its products and services, the layout etc. On the other hand, landing pages help your viewers  focus on a specific campaign that is more likely to result in conversion.

There are some core elements to landing pages to make them hit the mark. One important thing to remember is that your landing page should only have one conversion goal. Not two, not three, ONE. Here’s how you can make them work better for you:

Have a clear and very distinct Unique Selling Proposition.

This one is probably quite obvious: what are you selling but how do you do it differently from everyone else? You really have to tell people why your company is the ultimate perfect choice for them. It’s not necessarily talking about the incredible features of your products but it’s mostly what your promise as a brand is. It’s important to be specific though - don’t say things like “This will change your life” or “recommended by 9 out of 10 dentists”. That doesn’t work because it’s too vague. Outlining who you are and the key aspects is usually a good place to start but you should get to the point quickly before the viewer gets a little bored and loses track of what’s really important. Companies tend to be too philosophical and deep but often the results end up being lengthy and that’s fine if you’re writing a press release article - but really, when it comes to conversion it should be a quick deal. A great way to push your USP’s is to break down your offerings in a very basic way, briefly describing the key benefits (bullet points work nicely) and if the customer wants to know more, they can go ahead and do that but as long as you’ve stated the specifics, you’re good. These include:

  • Your headline. For example: A Fresh Way to Grow Your Brand - that’s our tagline, hehe. Ideally, this should be punchy, short and clear. It should make the viewer think “My strategy has been monotone recently, maybe they can help me spice things up.” (Because yes, we can help you spice up your strategy). This headline is simply your promise to a clear outcome for your customers. 

  • The supporting headline. So this is where you can elaborate a little bit but keep it digestible. In the case of Mint Stalk (us, hehe) we kept it short by pointing out what we are, which is a digital marketing agency based in Dubai. It makes it pretty clear what we are and where we are. People can move on from here if it’s not what they were looking for. 

  • The closing line. This is your last chance of communicating the benefits of your offering and the final reassurance that they’re making the right decision. In our case, we explicitly put out our strong capabilities to our potential clients (branding, web development, photography, graphics, video content, copy writing and social media). We are showing them that our services and expertise will answer their needs without having to say too much. As we do everything in-house too, they won’t have to go look somewhere else for things to be done. Convenient and efficient. And if they want to contact us right away for a quote or to ask questions, we added a call-to-action with a “Call now” button - just to encourage them in making the first step into a beautiful, long-lasting partnership. 

The key visual.

Right underneath everything mentioned above are our samples. Simply because sometimes the “Show, don’t tell” technique works nicely, particularly in the case of digital marketing agencies - we can promise them the moon but if our work doesn’t leave them in awe, they won’t sign up. This is just the visual representation of your offer that is most likely to resonate with your audience. Is the visual making the viewer feel like you could solve their problem? Instead of focusing on what you’re selling, it shifts the focus onto the customers’ issue. For example, as a leading digital marketing agency based in Dubai, our client base is very diverse and we have developed our expertise to a great extent. Posting samples of our work to show that we’ve created more than enough quality projects over the years will give them confidence and make them more likely to trust us. 

Compelling benefits

Once you get the viewers’ attention with your headlines and key visual, it’s time to accentuate some important features and provide a little bit more details on the value you are providing. A brief summary for each product will suffice (we are saying this just because if you let them, people will go on and on forever and they end up with a bored viewer who left the landing page 5 minutes ago). The layout is just as important when you’re stating the benefits - it’s visually more appealing when you separate things into categories as it’s less confusing. So … Concise and distinct paragraphs are the way to go. 

Social Proof and Referral  

If you’re a normal sensible person, you do some research before buying online. If the overwhelming majority of the reviews are positive, that can be a very powerful tool of persuasion. Social proof basically illustrates what customers who bought and consumed the product actually think of it, and the idea behind this is that people will be more likely to convert if they see that previous customers have had a good experience. People like to talk and if you offer them incredible results, they’ll do the job for you. Don’t be afraid to ask for reviews to your customers, especially experts because their account will be that much more valuable to others. 

Strong call to Action 

Always put a call-to-action button somewhere. Customers won’t look forever on how to get in touch with you - if your “Call now” button is everywhere, that’s great. Don’t over do it of course, otherwise you look a bit desperate. Your call-to-action is tied to your initial conversion goal - it ties back to your USP and articulates your customers’ next step in reaching for your product. It might be a small aspect but it’s unarguably one of the most important parts of your landing page. If you can tie your CTA to your business in a fun and interactive way, it’s even better! For example if you own a pet store, your landing page CTA could be “Boop here”, or something along those lines, just to make it less generic. 

And that’s it really. Pretty basic but if you follow them, it will be uphill from here. Alternatively, let us do it for you. 


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